What a great afternoon we had! Lots of laughter, students smiling and encouraging each other. I really loved how the older students worked with the younger ones at my station.
My favorite shot of the day...
Madeleine sure can jump high!
Enjoy the video from my station - Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Today Nicci came to school and taught us how to weave using harakeke (flax)
We had to listen and follow instructions and be patient when we needed help.
Thank you to all the parents who came and helped.
I have collected all the flax - harakeke. Nicci Glanville has confirmed she can be there.
I am really looking forward to weaving the harakeke tomorrow!
What fun things did you get up to on Friday in the snow? Emily-Jane and Sophie have sent in photos.
If you have photos you want me to put up on the blog then get Mum or Dad to email them to me
Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow
Well school was open for half an hour today. Just enough time to get some of our snow poems published. I loved the way we looked at the camera more today!
Today we went out and did the worm dance with Sharon from Wastebusters. Watch our video to see the fun we had! (Sorry parents about the state of our shoes!)
First we colored a piece of paper and maked shore that it did not have any white spasis. Then we panted over top. Then we scratched out star shapes on it. Then we put it into a laminator. Then we were done. By Theo