Tuesday, 6 August 2013

And the tree comes tumbling down...

Great excitement at school this morning. The big tree outside room 14 was cut down.

A time lapse movie of it...

YouTube Video

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Love this! Great to see everything happening.

  2. That is really interesting to watch. I will show Room 9. Miss Barker :)

  3. That is such a cool video! We love the music you used. Room 7

  4. I can remember this tree when I visited your school to collect Madeleine Webb, such a shame to have to take it down. I fully understand why, as we had to have a huge horsechestnut tree taken down in our garden.
    I am Madeleine's Nana from England, and wish very much I could be there in New Zealand.
    Best wishes
    Caroline McArthur
